Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projects

  • Project title: A Coherent and Rich Platform as a Service with a Common Programming Model

  • Instrument: Integrated Project

  • Duration: 2013 - 2016

  • Total funding: 5 Meuros (Zenith: 500Keuros)

  • Coordinator: U. Madrid, Spain

  • Partner: FORTH (Greece), ICCS (Greece), INESC (Portugal) and the companies MonetDB (Netherlands), QuartetFS (France), Sparsity (Spain), Neurocom (Greece), Portugal Telecom (Portugal).

  • Inria contact: Patrick Valduriez

  • Accessing and managing large amounts of data is becoming a major obstacle to developing new cloud applications and services with correct semantics, requiring tremendous programming effort and expertise. CoherentPaaS addresses this issue in the cloud PaaS landscape by developing a PaaS that incorporates a rich and diverse set of cloud data management technologies, including no SQL data stores, such as key-value data stores and graph databases, SQL data stores, such as in-memory and column-oriented databases, hybrid systems, such as SQL engines on top on key-value data stores, and complex event processing data management systems. It uses a common query language to unify the programming models of all systems under a single paradigm and provides holistic coherence across data stores using a scalable, transactional management system. CoherentPaaS will dramatically reduce the effort required to build and the quality of the resulting cloud applications using multiple cloud data management technologies via a single query language, a uniform programming model, and ACID-based global transactional semantics. CoherentPaaS will design and build a working prototype and will validate the proposed technology with real-life use cases. In this project, Zenith is in charge of designing an SQL-like query language to query multiple databases (SQL, NoSQL) in a cloud and implementing a compiler/optimizer and query engine for that language.